The Fallacy of Universal Man: falsely assumes that people are intellectually and psychologically the same in all times, places and circumstances.... People, in various times, have not merely thought different things they have thought them differently.It is probable that their most fundamental cerebral processes have changed through time. Their deepest emotional drives and desires may themselves have been transformed. Significant elements of continuity cannot be understood without a sense of discontinuities too.
Blogs and Links Showing the Numerous Fallacies involved In the So Called Kuzari Proof.
1. From Wikipedia
2. The Sinai Argument by Shlomi Tal
From TalkReason
3. Dreaming Up... by Mark Perah
4. Critique of the Kuzari Argument by Avi Norowitz
5. Kuzari - The Principle and Formalism by David Yust
From Blogs
6. From DovBear: Demolishing Dumb Arguments
7. Pretty Much Every Post in Gideon Slifkin's old XGH blog (archive here, or just subscribe to Google Reader to access old posts)
8. From Textuality: Definitively Refuting the Kuzari Principle
9. From Martin C. Winer The Kuzari Proof - 3 Million Can Be Wrong
10. Posts From (Blogger) Orthoprax (Focusing On Other Mass Revelation Myths):
A. Going After Rabbi Gottlieb
B.The Milk Miracle
C.Buddha's Many Miracles
D.The Aztec's National Revelation
E.The Aztec's National Revelation II
F.The Mandan
11. Two More Mass Revelations
Any other good links to add? Folks there is a reason it's called the Kuzari proof. Because it wass thought up in the Middle Ages by Yehuda HaLevi in the Kuzari. The Middle Ages are over, we know a lot more about religion and history then Yehuda HaLevi. Time to move on.